Why Not NOWU?
NOWU is a wannabe scab union scheming to divide healthcare workers across Ontario with false promises. With so much at stake – your CBA, benefits, pension and health & safety – NOWU is not worth the risk.
Watch our NOT NOWU video for more information.

Say no to NOWU
NOWU sell out members to benefit themselves
NOWU break their promises and do a bad job representing workers
NOWU are a small, irrelevant union without the power, resources or experience to fight for you

Say YES to SEIU Healthcare
We are a bigger, stronger and respected union, which means a more powerful negotiating team fighting for better pay and benefits for you in the next CBA
We are leading the fight to make pandemic pay standard pay for hospital workers
We have increased on-site representation to better serve and protect members
Thinking of supporting NOWU?
Think twice. Here’s what could be at risk if you do:

Your Pay
It was SEIU Healthcare who fought for and won a 1.65% wage increase for hospital workers that kicks in the fourth year of your contract. You should know that there is no obligation or guarantee that hospitals will honour that increase under NOWU. If hospitals don’t honour it, a move to NOWU could be like giving yourself a pay cut.

Your Collective
Bargaining Power
NOWU has no presence, no clout and no power to push government and employers to make changes that benefit you. A move to NOWU means you will be in a weaker position heading into the next round of collective bargaining.

Your Pension
NOWU does not have a seat at the Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan’s (HOOPP) trustee board table. SEIU Healthcare does. A move to NOWU means your union isn’t even in the room when important decisions about your pension are being made.
How much will joining NOWU cost you?
SEIU Healthcare bargained hard to win a 1.65% wage increase in the fourth year of your contract, which will kick in soon.
But you may not get ANY wage increase if you move to NOWU
Calculate how much you could lose if you join NOWU.
Get Involved
Sign up to receive updates from SEIU Healthcare and learn more about why NOWU is a bad and risky choice for healthcare workers.