NOWU can’t be trusted. Period.
NOWU stands for the National Organized Workers Union. They are a wannabe scab union who launch raid attempts against workers in hospitals, retail, transportation and even a port-a-potty company (yes, really).
With most of their current members trying to leave, they’re desperately raiding other unions – like yours – in order to survive.
Here’s why you should avoid NOWU at all costs:

NOWU sell out members to benefit themselves
- NOWU President Tim Oribine has a history of selling out his members to other unions.
- He’s made secretive agreements with the Teamsters and Christian Labour Association of Canada (CLAC) without telling members first.
- If there’s a chance NOWU membership could be sold out again, why put your future in jeopardy?

NOWU break their promises and do a bad job representing workers
- NOWU reps will say anything to get you to sign one of their certification cards.
- Healthcare workers at Mount Sinai fell for NOWU’s false promises and are already trying to leave after their first collective agreement.
- If people who have worked with NOWU reps don’t trust them, why should you?

NOWU are a small union that doesn’t have what it takes to fight for you
- While unions like SEIU Healthcare are actively fighting for workers, NOWU is focused on dividing hospital workers by raiding other unions.
- NOWU has no presence, no clout and no power to push government and employers to make changes that benefit you.
- If your future pay, benefits, pension and health & safety protections are on the line, why take the risk with NOWU?
If NOWU is telling you something that sounds too good to be true then it is.
Say NO to NOWU. Not Worth the Risk.

Tim Oribine
NOWU National President
- Tim Oribine created the Ontario Workers’ Union, the precursor organization to NOWU, in 2009 after abandoning his role at SEIU Healthcare.
- He left your union in controversy. SEIU Healthcare uncovered a multi-year backlog of 120 grievances – completely unacceptable for someone whose job it is to protect healthcare workers.
- At NOWU, Tim has a reputation for tricking new members into joining before selling them out to other unions. This includes secretive agreements made with the Teamsters and Christian Labour Association of Canada (CLAC).
- Now he’s trying to pull the same shady scheme. Don’t be misled by his slick sales job – he’s only in it for himself.

Matt Laframboise
NOWU Labour Relations Specialist
- Matt Laframboise is another former SEIU Healthcare representative who left your union in disgrace.
- He did a bad job representing workers. One SEIU Healthcare worker who used to work with Matt says, “he never followed through on what he said he was going to do.” Another said he “disappeared” in the middle of collective bargaining.
- He worked alongside Tim Oribine when they tried to sell out their members.
- Someone with a reputation like Matt’s can’t be trusted to protect your wages, benefits and pension. Matt’s priority is raiding other unions – he won’t look out for you.