After first voting to join NOWU in 2017, Mt. Sinai workers quickly felt buyer’s remorse. Now, after only one collective agreement of seeing what NOWU is really like, members have triggered a vote and are fighting to leave NOWU.
“Three years ago, we made the mistake of voting for NOWU. Tim Oribine, NOWU’s president, made a lot of promises that he couldn’t keep.
In bargaining, NOWU lost our unlimited physio which was a big loss for a lot of the members.
I haven’t been able to get summer vacation in two years because management changed it to 10 people off per day. I filed a grievance on this last year and I still haven’t heard anything back. I have called Tim Oribine multiple times and still haven’t heard back.
We don’t have any representation from NOWU at Mt Sinai and the employer has banned Mr. Oribine from the hospital due to harassment of his own members. NOWU only helps who they want.
Please think carefully before you make the same mistake we did.”
FT Service Assistant, Mount Sinai Hospital
“I understand that NOWU has been making all kinds of promises to persuade you to leave SEIU Healthcare.
Joining NOWU would be a mistake.
CUPE has no relationship with NOWU. Don’t be conned into thinking that you can go to one union as a means to ending up in another. Joining NOWU is not a path to becoming a CUPE member.
For many years, CUPE has been working with SEIU Healthcare and other unions, including ONA and OPSEU. Together, we represent over 250,000 healthcare workers in Ontario and have the power to influence employers and government. NOWU does not have that power.”
Mark Hancock
CUPE National President
“NOWU doesn’t even have a seat at the table. I didn’t even know who they were. They have no voice with the government. They don’t have the ability and power to push government and employers to make the changes that will make a difference for you. They don’t have the same presence that SEIU Healthcare does. While SEIU Healthcare has been focussed on supporting you through the pandemic, NOWU has been raiding for its own rewards. They are not focussed on the issues that really matter to healthcare workers.
They (NOWU) are tricking people. Some of the things that are being said are outrageous and false. I want to make this very clear. NOWU is not a pathway to ONA. This is not the way we organize. We endorse SEIU Healthcare and believe in the work they are doing. NOWU has no alliances with anyone and are two fellows, as best I know, operating a very small union.”
Vicki McKenna
Ontario Nurses’ Association President